The third book of the series of scientific publications Advances in Law Studies


The monograph deals with the main theoretical positions and normative rules that underlie the qualification of crimes, analyzes the difficulties and errors that arise. Based on the scientific concepts and decisions of the highest judicial authorities of the country, the authors disclose and comment on the shortcomings in the criminal legislation and errors in its application, offer scientifically grounded recommendations for improving the practice of qualifying crimes.

The publication aims to fill gaps and eliminate inaccuracies and contradictions in the theoretical presentation of these problems, to help students and graduate students of law schools in mastering relevant educational topics, to teach them basic practical skills in the qualification of various types of crimes. It is also addressed to teachers who provide the appropriate special course, scientists and practitioners applying the criminal law - to anyone who is interested in criminal law issues.
Duyunov Vladimir Kuzmich (chapters 1-10) - Doctor of Law, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. He is the author of more than 130 scientific works, including six monographs, a number of textbooks, teaching aids and scientific articles on various problems of the policy of combating crime, criminal law, criminology and criminal-executive law;
Hlebushkin Artem Gennadievich (chapters 11-18) is the doctor. Law, Associate Professor, author of more than 90 scientific works on criminal law.
The sphere of basic scientific interests is the criminal law policy, criminal law problems of protection of the constitutional system, criminal responsibility for extremism and organized criminal activity.
More details about the book can be found on the following websites:
New Book of a Series of Scientific Publications Advances in Law Studies

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