The journal "Construction and architecture" is included In the list of HAC. Congratulations!
TO READERS OF THE JOURNAL "Construction and Architecture"
The seventh year of the publication of the journal ends. During this time, several hundred articles by authors from Russia and neighboring countries were published. Recently there have been changes in the editorial board - leading professors of higher educational institutions of Russia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Poland have been invited to the editorial board.
Our journal published articles on many relevant areas of construction development, highlighting the prospects for improving the industry. The base area of the journal is the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts of the Russian Federation.
The last year was a turning point - since November 21, 2019, the journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications, which publishes the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science and doctor of science (List of Higher Attestation Commission). I express my deep gratitude to everyone who took part in the development of the journal, as well as to all our readers. Without your participation, we could not have achieved this. The new status of the journal confirms the high level of published articles and allows you to aim at moving to the next, higher level. In accordance with the new requirements, we will now send reviews of articles to the RSCI, and the status of the journal will depend even more on the citation of the articles by the authors.
The next issue of the journal "Construction and Architecture" is presented to your attention, the first after being included in the HAC List. It presents articles both in areas approved by order of the Higher Attestation Commission, and in those areas that were presented in the journal in previous years. This will allow us to contact the Higher Attestation Commission for the introduction of new areas in which the publication of articles will be recommended. We will continue to publish articles in the existing sections of the journal, and we also have plans to publish articles on the implementation of BIM technologies in construction.
The editorial board invites authors - teachers of higher educational institutions, representatives of academic science and practicing builders to speak on the pages of the journal, to talk about the results of their scientific searches, problems that have been or cannot be resolved. The Editorial Board of the journal will continue to strive to ensure that the journal is interesting and useful to readers, contributes to the resolution of pressing problems of the construction industry.
Thank you again for your interest in our journal. Together we were able to achieve such an important result and, I hope, we will continue to move to new heights.