The second book of a new series of publications of scientific achievements in the field of law


V monografii rassmatrivayutsya aktual'nye problemy zapretov v prave i pravovoy politike sovremennoy Rossii. Zaprety kak instrument analiziruyutsya ne tol'ko s obscheteoreticheskih, no i s otraslevyh poziciy. Osoboe vnimanie udeleno predlozheniyam dlya pr avotvorcheskih i pravoprimenitel'nyh struktur.

Nad monografiey rabotal bol'shoy avtorskiy kollektiv iz raznyh gorodov Rossii: Abanin E.N., Afanas'ev S.F., Bakaev O.Yu., Barzilova I.S., Borodavkina N.M., Botasheva L.E., Vyrleeva-Balaeva O.S., Kabanov P.A., Komkova G.N., Kulikova S.A., Lakaev O.A., Lipinskiy D.A., Mal'ko A.V.,  Moshkina N.A., Ponomarenkov V.A., Popov V.V., Rozenko S.V., Smirnov D.A., Sokolov A.Yu., Toguzaeva E.N., Hizhnyak V.S., Cherepanceva Yu.S., Chmyhalo E.Yu.

Bolee podrobno o knige chitayte:

New Book of a Series of Scientific Publications Advances in Law Studies

A monography published by A.D. Gulyakova “Federalism: the mechanism of occurrence and the main directions of development (historical and state research)”


In the glorious city of Rostov-on-don
On May 7, Ilya Yurievich Zhilyakov, editor-in-chief of the RIOR Publishing Center, visited Rostov-on-Don with a short visit to his small homeland.


The second edition of the collection of poems of the famous scientist-economist

The presentation of a new collection of poems by Professor of the Department of management, doctor of economic Sciences Arkady Semenovich Lifshits took place in the conference hall of Ivanovo state University. The presentation was combined with a mini-lecture "Poetry: meaning and multidimensionality".


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