Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The training and practical manual covers the main concepts and methods of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in educational activities. The primary goal of this work is to provide educators in educational institutions with knowledge about the possibilities of applying AI in teaching, as well as practical recommendations for integrating these technologies into classroom activities. The publication is designed to develop educators' competencies in the field of artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of teaching and student performance. The book describes the use of AI to create personalized educational pathways for learners, tailored to the needs and abilities of each student, and offers ready-made solutions, examples, and methodological recommendations for implementing AI across various subject areas in education. Educators (teachers) in regional educational institutions, including rural communities, should play a central role in this process. The training manual is intended to improve the qualifications of pedagogical staff in educational institutions who are interested in increasing the effectiveness of the educational process through the use of advanced AI technologies.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Education, Pedagogy, Learning Methods, Technology in Education, Personalized Learning, Educational Systems, Digital Technologies, Innovations in Education, Recommendations for Educators, Learning Automation, Data Analysis in Education, Development of Critical Thinking, Learning Effectiveness, Interactive Learning, AI-Enhanced Learning Course, Ethical Aspects of AI in Education.

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