Vyshla v svet pervaya kniga novoy serii nauchnyh publikaciy – Advances in Law Studies.
Во вторник, 21 ноября, Издательский Центр РИОР посетил один из наших постоянных авторов Алексей Юрьевич Мамычев.
V sredu, 15 noyabrya, v Izdatel'skom Centre RIOR sostoyalos' vruchenie diploma laureatu II Vserossiyskogo konkursa na luchshuyu nauchnuyu i uchebnuyu publikaciyu «Akademus» professoru Sergeyu Olegovichu Kramarovu.
Preparing to submit to the Higher Attestation Commission journal "Construction and Architecture"
Готовится заявка для включения журнала Advances in law studies в международную наукометрическую базу SCOPUS
In September 2017, Vladivostok state University of Economics and service celebrated its anniversary — he was 50 years old. For since its Foundation half a century a small technological the Institute has developed into a major University complex with three branches