
The second edition of the collection of poems of the famous scientist-economist

The presentation of a new collection of poems by Professor of the Department of management, doctor of economic Sciences Arkady Semenovich Lifshits took place in the conference hall of Ivanovo state University. The presentation was combined with a mini-lecture "Poetry: meaning and multidimensionality".

Congratulations to our regular author Andrey Panteleev with the release of a new book and the victory in the competition " Academus»

A new textbook " Modern Russian language: Morphemics. Word formation", following the manual on phonetics continues to cover the sections of the course "Modern Russian language", which is fundamental for philologists»

Honorary Professor of HANDS became the winner of the all-Russian competition "Academus»

The award nationwide honorary Professor of ARMS was handed to the chief editor of the publishing centre RIOR Ilia Zhilyakov, the Scientific Council of Russian University of cooperation. He noted the high scientific and educational value of the textbook "Analysis of financial and economic activity", written by Abel Friedman

Congratulations On the new 2019 year from the collective of " RIOR Publishing Center»

The staff Of the publishing center RIOR wholeheartedly congratulates you On the new 2019 year and Christmas!

"The fate of the European Union and lessons for Russia" - a new monograph on topical socio-political problems

The collective monograph «The Fate of the European Union and Lessons for Russia» edited the candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, the rector of Penza State University Alexandr Dmitrievich Gulyakov

The third book of the series of scientific publications Advances in Law Studies

Published the fourth edition of the monograph "Qualification of crimes: legislation, theory and judicial practice" (authors V. K. and A. G. Doynov Glebushkin).

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