Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The basic technical reserves and factors of growth of labour productivity which are offered for subdividing on external and internal, intensive and extensive are considered. Features of interaction between technical reserves and factors of growth of labour productivity are established such as updating, automation and mechanization of manual skills, modernization, replacement, expansion, major overhaul, increase of efficiency of use. The system of interaction of technical reserves and factors of growth of labour productivity which is recommended to be used for management of process of increase in a labour productivity level at the industrial enterprise is developed. The analytical parities describing interrelation between various elements of system of interaction of technical reserves and factors of growth of labour productivity are offered. It is established, that technical factors of growth of labour productivity can be realized only at presence of corresponding reserves of growth, which size, in turn, in many respects depends on an opportunity of maintenance of the steady tendency of growth of labour productivity.

labour productivity, technical reserves and factors of growth, updating, modernization, major overhaul, loading of the equipment.

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