Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The methodological recommendations consider a wide range of aspects concerning the organizing of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in educational relations. The list of normative legal documents regulating the activity of an educational psychologist (psychologist in the field of education) is presented. Goals and objectives, main types and directions of teacher-psychologist’s activity are given. Forms of reporting documentation based on the results of the professional activity of an educational psychologist (psychologist in the field of education) are presented. The algorithm of interaction between an educational organization and a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, the algorithm of interdepartmental interaction in case of an emergency involving minors are described. The recommendations make it possible to develop unified approaches to psychological and pedagogical support for participants in educational relations and to optimize the activities of an educational psychologist (psychologist in the field of education) by enriching and standardizing methodological tools. Interaction algorithms can be used to organize joint activities of various experts in order to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of students and other participants in educational relations. The publication is intended for educational psychologists, employees and heads of centers for psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance. It can be useful for teaching staff, researchers, and administrative and managerial staff in the field of education.
psychological and pedagogical support, educational psychologist, methodological tools of educational psychologist, emergency involving minors
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