Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of problematic aspects of the implementation of the mediation procedure in Russia. The author noted that mediation on the path of its development in the country encountered a number of obstacles of a moral, ethical, psychological, economic and legislative nature, the solution and settlement of which requires certain efforts both from the side of society and public organizations, and from the state. Using the method of analytical review of theoretical and practical developments of domestic researchers and legislative documents, the article identifies the following problems of mediation: low legal culture of the population; lack of confidence in this service; lack of awareness of society as a whole, and of citizens in particular, about mediation, its advantages as an alternative to the trial method; the position of the parties that do not want to compromise; the difficulty of choosing a mediator - as a highly professional person; mainly the social foundations for the development of mediation and insufficient state support. These problems are interrelated, therefore, their solution requires an integrated approach.

mediation, court, legal relationship, legislation, procedure

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