UDK 340.6 Судебная медицина. Судебная психология. Судебная химия. Судебно-медицинская экспертиза
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment method that uses a combination of photosensitizers and laser radiation of a certain wavelength. Studies conducted in various scientific and practical centers around the world have shown that this method is effective and well tolerated in the treatment of various diseases. PDT can be used to treat a wide range of diseases, including skin problems, inflammatory diseases, infections, precancerous conditions and tumors, as well as prostate problems and infertility in men and women. The PDT method is an effective alternative to standard treatments for these diseases and can be used both independently and in combination with other treatment methods. It has a number of advantages, such as low toxicity to healthy tissues, minimal risk of severe pain, lack of resistance mechanisms, the possibility of outpatient treatment and combination with other methods. Because of these advantages, PDT is a promising object for further research.
photodynamic therapy, photosensitizers, light exposure, photochemical reaction
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