Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
VAC 5.2.3 Региональная и отраслевая экономика
VAC 5.2.4 Финансы
VAC 5.2.5 Мировая экономика
VAC 5.2.6 Менеджмент
VAC 5.2.7 Государственное и муниципальное управление
UDK 332.1 Региональная экономика. Территориальная экономика
UDK 631 Общие вопросы сельского хозяйства
In our research and scientific publications for more than two decades, special attention has been paid to the problems of functioning of agricultural organizations of the Oryol region in the system of inter-industry interaction. Considering agricultural organizations as subjects of agricultural entrepreneurship, built into the system of inter-industry relations, we have established that the forms and mechanisms of their interaction are constantly adapted to changing conditions of the external environment to level the negative impact of economic and geopolitical factors and are capable of transforming into a mobilization model for the formation of a balanced mechanism for the interaction of production and consumption in the agro-food sector.
agricultural organizations, inter-industry relations, effective functioning
1. Altukhov, A.I. Technical and technological potential of agriculture and the need for its modernization / A. I. Altukhov // Grain legumes and cereal crops. - 2021. - No. 2 (38). - P. 28-37. - DOI 10.24412 / 2309-348X-2021-2-28-37.
2. The GRP of the Oryol region in 2023 increased by 5%. - URL: (date of access 05.05.2024)
3. Golovina, L.A. On the conditions for the effective functioning of agricultural organizations in the Oryol region / L.A. Golovina // Economy, labor, management in agriculture. - 2016. - No. 3 (28). – P. 13-16.
4. Golovina, L.A. Development of integrated agricultural organizations: realities and prospects / L.A. Golovina, O.V. Logacheva, A.V. Khanova // Economy, labor, management in agriculture. – 2017. – No. 4(33). – P. 59-64.
5. Lukomets, A.V. Analysis of production costs of agricultural products and food based on structural shifts / A.V. Lukomets, A.E. Suglobov // Economics of agriculture in Russia. – 2022. – No. 12. – P. 101-105. – DOI
6. Nesterenko, Yu.N. Equivalences of economic relations of business entities in the system of agro-food chains / Yu.N. Nesterenko, D.V. Timokhin, A.V. Panin // Agro-food policy of Russia. - 2023. - No. 1. - P. 41-49. - DOI
7. Theory, methodology and practice of implementing equivalent inter-industry relations in the agro-industrial complex / O.A. Rodionova, A.S. Truba, L.A. Golovina [et al.]; Ed. by O.A. Rodionova. - Moscow: Youth Development and Support Fund "Personnel Reserve", 2019. - 220 p.