from 01.01.2023 until now
Saransk, Saransk, Russian Federation
The concept of adaptability is examinedwith the perspective of the development of a systematic approach. The design issues of the financial system of the economic entity, the implementation of management functions depending on the characteristics of the control objectare explored
finance, system, management, adaptability, financial resources, structure
1. Levchaev P.A. Obespechenie stoimostnogo prirosta finansovykh resursov ekonomicheskikh sub´´ektov v usloviyakh innovatsionnoy ekonomiki: teoriya i metodologiya issledovaniya. M.: Finansy i kredit, 2008.
2. Levchaev P.A. Metodologiya menedzhmenta finansovykh resursov kak nauki ob ikh effektivnom upravlenii. Finansy i kredit. 2012. № 13 (493). S. 36-42.
3. Levchaev P.A. Sushchnost´ i ekonomicheskaya priroda finansovykh resursov predpriyatiy. Daydzhest-Finansy. 2010. № 6 (186). S. 45-51.