Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the current state and prospects for the development of soybean breeding and seed production in the modern economic conditions of the Russian Federation. In accord-ance with the Doctrine of Food Security, the share of seeds of domestic selection for agricultural crops should not be lower than 75 %. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, soy-beans belong to agricultural crops with a share of seeds of foreign selection from 40 to 50 %. The main objective of the development of breeding and seed production in the Russian Federa-tion is to reduce the share of imported seeds by using various methods of influence from the state in this segment and increase the number of seeds of domestic selection. The purpose of the study was to analyze the state of domestic soybean breeding and seed production in the modern economic conditions of the Russian Federation to identify current organizational and economic problems in this segment. Research results. It has been established that there are certain organi-zational and economic problems in the soybean breeding and seed production industry, such as low crop yield (the increase in yield since 2010 is no more than 0.57 t/ha), a low level of provi-sion of domestic producers with seeds of domestic selection, an increase in the share of foreign seed material in the structure of acreage over the past 5 years on 24 % – from 17.6 % in 2016 to 41.6 % in 2020. These problems need to be solved, and the effectiveness of these solutions can be ensured with direct state participation and strengthening the importance of domestic breeding and seed production through the implementation of programs aimed at improving the system of state variety testing and registration actions, obtaining competitive soybean varieties on the do-mestic market, the introduction of innovative technologies for seed crops, methods of creating scientific and educational centers for the purpose of training highly qualified personnel in the field of breeding and seed production for the agricultural sector of the economy. The field of practical application of the results of the study is the possibility of using part of the conclusions for further in-depth study of the prospects of soybean cultivation in Russia in order to solve the tasks set by the Government of the Russian Federation in the Doctrine of Food Security.

seed production, soybeans, domestic breeding, import substitution, food security doctrine, agri-culture

Статья ретрагирована.


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