Novocherkassk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article outlines the technique of creating the spatial structure node solid model. The model can be translated from SOLIDWORKS complex to numerical simulation
solid model, spatial structure node, design automation
1. Tsaritova N.G. «Printsipy formoobrazovaniya prostranstvennykh sterzhnevykh konstruktsiy». Izvestiya OrelGTU seriya «Stroitel´stvo. Transport» №2/21 (553) 2009 (mart-aprel´).
2. Buzalo N. A., Alekseev S. A., Tsaritova N. G. Chislennoe issledovanie sharnirnogo uzla prostranstvennoy sterzhnevoy konstruktsii. Identifikatsionnyy nomer stat´i v zhurnale: 67TVN214.