Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
A priori, both buildings and structures under construction and in operation throughout all life cycles are subjected to various external and internal static, dynamic and other types of impacts. Wind loads play a special role and share of dynamic impacts, the force effect of which, their modules, impact lines and application points are difficult to predict. Nevertheless, such impacts obviously cause kinematic movements with complex trajectories of individual components of buildings and structures, their individual structural elements with different amplitude and frequency. The paper develops an algorithm for finding the kinematic parameters of these structural elements, their speeds and accelerations, which can subsequently be used in digital "BIM" models of buildings. Conceptually, the buildings and structures under consideration were virtually subjected to horizontal high-rise "expansion" during the study by a set of separate material points of the corresponding structural elements in the form of horizontal disks, or separate material points of a set of structural elements performing complex kinematic trajectories as a result of external influences. The algorithm uses definitions given by L. Euler, such as precession angles, nutation angles and angles of proper rotation.
Buildings and structures, kinematic parameters, motion trajectory, angular velocity, angular acceleration, precession angle, nutation angle, angle of proper rotation, digital model
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