Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the context of current problems of sustainable development of the modern city, the issues of present and future of coastal areas occupy a key place. In large cities there is a shortage of the natural component of the coastal zone environment, while the priority is given to transport infrastructure, which leads to environmental degradation and deprives the coastal strip recreational use. For many coastal territories the main problems remain: expansion of transport infrastructure; intensive process of urbanization and building up of coastal territories; loss of natural components and landscape identity of coastal strips and water areas. In Moscow, these problems are complemented by the monotony and typical character of the architectural design of coastal areas. Integrated development of the environment of coastal zones can be realized by various methods, created on the principles of a balanced infrastructure. The formation of urban and landscape directions and their relationship.

Stream, channel, source, tributary, dam, rook, annals, reconstruction, waterworks
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