Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the problem of determining the reliability and residual life of chimneys of industrial buildings, taking into account an integrated approach, which includes calculating the reliability of the "Chimney" system using the theory of graphs. Four chimneys were considered as objects for assessment: three brick and one metal. During the inspection, typical damage to each type of structure was revealed, the results of measurements of the strength of materials and verification calculations were analyzed. It was found that the results of calculating the residual resource of brick pipe No. 1 (the residual resource is exhausted, the structure is inoperative) is confirmed by the result of calculating the roll of the building (the roll exceeds the maximum allowable). Also, as a result of the calculation using a comprehensive methodology, the reduced reliability of metal pipes was confirmed in comparison with brick chimneys.

residual life, inspection of buildings and structures, technical condition of structures, graph theory, chimneys, industrial buildings
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