Russian Federation
from 01.01.2014 until now Russian Federation
V monografii issleduetsya fenomen tvorchestva cheloveka. Tvorchestvo traktuetsya kak dialog vselennoy s samoy soboyu v lice cheloveka, kak ontologicheskaya harakteristika cheloveka, kak obraschenie ko vsemu i vsya, kak vysoko-vysokoe, kak sub'ektizaciya realiy v processe myslitel'no-prakticheskoy deyatel'nosti cheloveka, kak obraschenie k substratnoy forme obschego, kak ostavlenie celepolagatel'nogo bytiya, kak sozercanie, kak otdohnovenie, kak podderzhanie cheloveka v im zhe tvorimom apokalipsise na planete. Metodologiey v rabote vystupaet idealistichesko-substratnaya refleksiya A.A. Gagaeva. Adresovana specialistam i studentam, izuchayuschim problemy filosofii i psihologii tvorchestva, a takzhe vsem interesuyuschimsya fenomenom cheloveka.
Universe, being, personalization, man, metaphysics, creativity, subjectivization, apocalypse, the future
1. Avgustin Blazhennyy. Ob istinnoy religii. Teologicheskiy traktat.- Minsk: Harvest, 1999.- 1598 s.
2. Aristotel'. Sochineniya v 4 t. T.1. M.: Mysl', 1976.- 550 s.
3. Bahtin M.M. Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva.- M.: Iskusstvo, 1979. - 421 s.
4. Berdyaev N.A. I mir ob'ektov /Mir filosofii.Chast'1. - M.: Politicheskaya literatura, 1991. - S. 549-554.
5. Berdyaev N.A. O naznachenii cheloveka/Mir filosofii.Chast'1. - M.: Politicheskaya literatura, 1991. - S. 543-549.
6. Brushlinskiy A.V. Psihologiya sub'ekta i ego deyatel'nosti/Sovremennaya psihologiya: Spravochnoe rukovodstvo. - M.: INFRA-M., 1999. - S. 330-346.
7. Vasil'ev N.A. Voobrazhaemaya logika. Izbrannye trudy. M.: Nauka, 1989.- 264 s.
8. Vernadskiy V.I. Biosfera i noosfera.- M.: Ayris-press, 2003. -576 s.
9. Gagaev A.A. Teoriya i metodologiya substratnogo podhoda v nauchnom poznanii. - Saransk: MGU imeni N.P. Ogareva, 1994. - 48 s.
10. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. Vselenskoe v cheloveke. Otkrytie i podderzhanie. M.: A-prodzhekt, 2017. - 282 s.
11. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. O smysle kak samodeystvuyuschey realii. - Vestnik Doneckogo nacional'nogo universiteta. Filologiya i psihoogiya. 2019. № 4. S. 22 - 29.
12. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. Pedagogika nevmeshatel'stva. - SPb.: Aleteysya, 2014.- 284 s.
13. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. Poslednyaya zadacha chelovechestva. Filosofskaya antropologiya XXI veka. - M.: A-prodzhekt, 2023. - 424 s.
14. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. Filosofiya zdravogo smysla. Kritika osnovaniy razuma. Kniga 2. Zdravyy smysl kak osnovanie nauki. Chast' 2. - M.: LENAND, 2015. -568 s.
15. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. Filosofiya A.L. Chizhevskogo.3-e izd. - M.: A-prodzhekt, 2022. - 252 s.
16. Gachev G.D. Nauka i nacional'nye kul'tury. Rostov-na-Donu: RGU, 1993.- 320 s.
17. Geyzenberg V. Shagi za gorizont /Mir filosofii. - Chast' 1. - M.: Politicheskaya literatura, 1991.- S. 271- 280.
18. Gete I.Izbrannye sochineniya po estestvoznaniyu/Mir filosofii. Chast'1. - M.: Politicheskaya literatura, 1991. S. 254-256.
19. Gete I. Faust.- M.: Hudozhestvennaya literatura, 1969. - 509 s.
20. Gumbol'dt V. O razlichii stroeniya chelovecheskih yazykov i ego vliyaniya na duhovnoe razvitie chelovecheskogo roda /Hrestomatiya po istorii yazykoznaniya XIX-XX vekov- M.: Ministerstvo prosvescheniya RSFSR, 1956.- S.68-86.
21. Gusserl' E. Ideya fenomenologii. - M.: Gumanitarnaya akademiya, 2008. - 224 s.
22. Gubin V., Nekrasova E. Filosofskaya antropologiya.- M.: PER SE, SPb.: Universitetskaya kniga, 2000.- 240 s.
23. Danilevskiy N.Ya.Rossiya i Evropa.- M.: Kniga, 1991. - 574 s.
24. Istoriya filosofii v kratkom izlozhenii. Per. s chesh. I.I. Boguta. - M.: Mysl', 1991. - 590 s.
25. Kant I. Kritika chistogo razuma. - Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 1999.- 672 s.
26. Kireevskiy I.V. Izbrannye stat'i.- M.: Sovremennik, 1984. - 582 s.
27. Losskiy N.O. Istoriya russkoy filosofii.- M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1991. - 559 s.
28. Mahabharata. Kniga Tret'ya. Lesnaya. - M.: Nauka, 1987.- 799 s.
29. Nicshe F. Nesvoevremennye razmyshleniya. - S.Pt.: Azbuka, 2012. - 348 s.
30. Nicshe F. Tak govoril Zaratustra. Kniga dlya vseh i ni dlya kogo. - M.: Interbuk, 1990. - 304 s.
31. N'yuberg E. Tayna Boga i nauka o mozge: Neyrobiologiya very i religioznogo opyta /Endryu N'yuberg, Yudzhin d’ Akvili, Rauz Vins; perevod s angl. M.I. Zavalova. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 320 s.
32. Otkroveniya Nikoly Tesly; (per. s angl.).- M.: Yauza; Eksmo, 2009.- 256 s.
33. Platon. Dialogi. - M.: AST: Astrel', 2011. - 349 s.
34. Penrouz R., Shimoni A., Kartrayt N., Hoking S. Bol'shoe, maloe i chelovecheskiy razum / Per. s angl. A. V. Hachoyana pod red. Yu. A. Danilova. M.: Mir, 2004. 194 s.. (Orig. izd.: Penrose R., Shimony A., Cartwright N., Hawking St. The Large, the Small and the Human Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. R. 224). URL: data obrascheniya: 29.06.2017).
35. Solov'ev V.S. Sobranie sochineniy. T.2. S.-Peterburg: Knigoizdatel'skoe tovarischestvo «Prosveschenie», 1911. - 417 s.
36. Teyyar de Sharden P. - M.: Ustoychivyy mir, 2001.- 232 s.
37. Frank S.L. Nepostizhimoe (Ontologicheskoe vvedenie v filosofiyu religii).- M.: Pravda, 1990.- 608 s.
38. Haydegger M. Vremya i bytie. Stat'i i vystupleniya. Per. s nem. - M.: Respublika, 1993.- 447 s.
39. Ciolkovskiy K.E.Kosmicheskaya filosofiya. - M.: IDLi, 2001. - 496 s.
40. Yung K.G. Arhetipy i kollektivnoe bessoznatel'noe. - M.: AST, 2022. - 224 s.
41. Augustine the Blessed. About the true religion. The theological treatise.- Minsk: Harvest, 1999.- 1598 p.
42. Aristotle. Essays in 4 vols. Vol.1. Moscow: Mysl, 1976.- 550 p.
43. Bakhtin M.M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. - Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1979. - 421 p.
44. Berdyaev N.A. And the world of objects /The World of Philosophy.Part 1. - Moscow: Political Literature, 1991. - pp. 549-554.
45. Berdyaev N.A. About the appointment of a person/The world of philosophy.Part 1. - Moscow: Political Literature, 1991. - pp. 543-549.
46. Brushlinsky A.V. Psychology of the subject and his activity/Modern psychology: A reference guide. - M.: INFRA-M., 1999. - pp. 330-346.
47. Vasiliev N.A. Imaginary logic. Selected works. M.: Nauka, 1989.- 264 p.
48. Vernadsky V.I. Biosphere and noosphere. - M.: Iris-press, 2003. -576 p.
49. Gagaev A.A. Theory and methodology of the substrate approach in scientific cognition. - Saransk: Ogarev Moscow State University, 1994. - 48 p.
50. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. The Universal in man. Opening and maintenance. Moscow: A-project, 2017. - 282 p.
51. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. About meaning as a self-acting reality. - Bulletin of Donetsk National University. Philology and psychoogyology. 2019. No. 4. pp. 22 - 29.
52. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. Pedagogy of non-interference. - St. Petersburg: Aletseya, 2014.- 284 p.
53. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. The last task of mankind. Philosophical anthropology of the XXI century. - M.: A-project, 2023. - 424 p.
54. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. Philosophy of common sense. Criticism of the foundations of reason. Book 2. Common sense as the foundation of science. Part 2. - Moscow: LENAND, 2015. -568 p. Gagaev A.A., Gagaev P.A. Philosophy of A.L. Chizhevsky.3rd ed. - Moscow: A-project, 2022. - 252 p.
55. Gachev G.D. Science and national cultures. Rostov-on-Don: Russian State University, 1993.- 320 p.
56. Heisenberg V. Steps beyond the horizon / The World of Philosophy. - Part 1. - Moscow: Political Literature, 1991. - pp. 271-280.
57. Goethe I. Selected works on natural science/The World of Philosophy. Part 1. - Moscow: Political Literature, 1991. pp. 254-256.
58. Goethe I. Faust. - M.: Fiction, 1969. - 509 p.
59. Humboldt V. On the difference in the structure of human languages and its influence on the spiritual development of the human race /Anthology on the history of Linguistics of the XIX-XX centuries - Moscow: Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1956.- pp.68-86.
60. Husserl E. The idea of phenomenology. - M.: Humanities Academy, 2008. - 224 p.
61. Gubin V., Nekrasova E. Philosophical anthropology.- M.: PER SE, St. Petersburg.: University Book, 2000.- 240 p.
62. Danilevsky N.Ya. Russia and Europe.- M.: Book, 1991. - 574 p.
63. The history of philosophy in a brief summary. Translated from the Czech I.I. Bogut. - M.: Thought, 1991. - 590 p.
64. Kant I. Criticism of Pure Reason. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1999.- 672 p.
65. Kireevsky I.V. Selected articles.- M.: Sovremennik, 1984. - 582 p.
66. Lossky N.O. History of Russian philosophy. - M.: Higher School, 1991. - 559 p.
67. The Mahabharata. Book Three. Forest. - Moscow: Nauka, 1987. - 799 p.
68. Nietzsche F. Untimely reflections. - S.Pt.: ABC, 2012. - 348 p.
69. Nietzsche F. Thus spoke Zarathustra. A book for everyone and for no one. - Moscow: Interbook, 1990. - 304 p.
70. Newberg, E. The Mystery of God and the science of the brain: The Neurobiology of Faith and religious experience /Andrew Newberg, Eugene d'Aquili, Rouse Vince; translated from the English by M.I. Zavalov. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2013. - 320 p.
71. The Revelations of Nikola Tesla; (translated from English). - Moscow: Yauza; Eksmo, 2009.- 256 p. Plato. Dialogues. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2011. - 349 p.
72. Penrose R., Shimoni A., Cartwright N., Hawking S. The Big, the Small and the human mind / Translated from the English by A.V. Khachoyan, edited by Yu. A. Danilova. M.: Mir, 2004. 194 s.. (Original ed.: Penrose R., Shimony A., Cartwright N., Hawking St. The Large, the Small and the Human Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. p. 224).
73. Soloviev V.S. Collected works. Vol.2. St. Petersburg: Publishing Association "Enlightenment", 1911. - 417 p.
74. Teilhard de Chardin P. - M.: Sustainable World, 2001.- 232 p.
75. Frank S.L. The Incomprehensible (An Ontological Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion).- M.: Pravda, 1990.- 608 p.
76. Heidegger M. Time and Being. Articles and speeches. Translated from German. - M.: Republic, 1993.- 447 p.
77. Tsiolkovsky K.E.Cosmic philosophy. - M.: IDLi, 2001. - 496 p.
78. Jung K.G. Archetypes and the collective unconscious. - M.: AST, 2022. - 224 p.