Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The monograph presents information on the conservation of iron archaeological objects by water alkaline treatment under normal and subcritical temperatures and pressures. Data on physical and chemical bases of destruction of iron archaeological objects at various stages of their existence are also generalized. For specialists in the field of archeology, chemical technology, graduate students, undergraduates engaged in research, restoration and preservation of archaeological objects.

conservation, iron archaeological object, water alkaline washing, normal and critical temperatures and pressures, resolution of iron archaeological objects
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1. Buravlev I.Yu. Nekotorye aspekty restavracionno-konservacionnoy praktiki / I.Yu. Buravlev // Vestnik DVO RAN. - 2012. - № 5. - S. 94-105.

2. Kradin N.N. Itogi i perspektivy razvitiya arheologii Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii / N.N. Kradin // Vestnik DVO RAN. - 2013. - № 1. - S. 10-20.

3. Len'kov V.D. Metallurgiya i metalloobrabotka u chzhur-chzheney v XII v. (po materialam issledovaniy Shayginskogo goro-discha) / V.D. Len'kov.- Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1974. - 175 s.

4. Len'kov V.D. Metody estestvennyh nauk v arheologiche-skom izuchenie drevnih proizvodstv na Dal'nem Vostoke SSSR / V.D. Len'kov. - Vladivostok: DVNC AN SSSR, 1986. - 148 s.

5. Kon'kova L.V. Bronzoliteynoe proizvodstvo na yuge Dal'nego Vostoka SSSR (rubezh II-I tys. do n.e. - XIII vek n.e.). / L.V. Kon'kova. - Leningrad: Nauka, 1989. - 124 s.

6. Aleksandrov A.V. Paleometall severo-zapadnoy chasti Tihogo okeana / A.V. Aleksandrov, S.A. Arutyunov, D.L. Brodyan-skiy. - Vladivoctok: Izd-vo Dal'nevost. un-ta, 1982. - 104 s.

7. Bobrov Yu.G. Teoriya restavracii pamyatnikov iskusstva: zakonomernosti i protivorechiya / Yu.G. Bobrov- M.: Edsmit, 2004. - 344 s.

8. Zverev V.V. Ot ponovleniya k nauchnoy restavracii. / V.V. Zverev- M.: RIO GosNIIR, 1999. - 100 s.

9. Yahont O.V. Problemy konservacii, restavracii i atri-bucii iskusstva / O.V. Yahont. - M.: SkanRus, 2010. - 463 s.

10. Ancient and historic metals. Conservation and scientific re-search // Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Conservation Institute November 1991 / ed. Scott D.A., Podany J., Considine B.B. 1991. - P. 304.

11. Formakovskiy M.V. Konservaciya i restavraciya muzey-nyh kollekciy / M.V. Formakovskiy. - M., 1947. - 144 s.

12. Kim Y.-H. Conservation of cultural properties in Korea / Y.-H. Kim // The 6th Workshop for Korean art curators, Oct. 2004. - Seoul: Korea Foundation, 2004. - P. 63-67.

13. Muñoz-Viñas S. Contemporary Theory of Conservation/ S. Muñoz-Viñas. - Elsevier. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005. - 239 p.

14. Torraca G. The application of science and technology to conservation practice / G. Torraca // Science, technology and European cultural heritage: Proc. of the Europ. Symp. Bologna, Italy, 13-16 June 1989. - Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1989. - P. 221-232.

15. Torraca G. The scientist in conservation / G. Torraca // GCI Newsl. - 1999. - Vol. 14, № 8. - P. 8-11.

16. Kir'yanov A.V. Restavraciya arheologicheskih predmetov / pod red. O.N. Bader., A.V. Kir'yanov. - M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. - 96 s.

17. Formakovskiy M.V. Ocherki po metodike tehnologiche-skogo issledovaniya, restavracii i konservacii drevnih metalli-cheskih izdeliy. / M.V. Formakovskiy. - M.-L.: OGIZ Gosudarst-vennoe social'no-ekonomicheskoe izdatel'stvo, 1935. - 121 s.

18. Yahont O.V. O restavracii i atribucii. / O.V. Yahont. - M.: GosNIIR, 2007. - 272 s.

19. Antunes R.A.Characterization of corrosion product formed on steels in the first months of atmospheric exposure / R.A. Antunes, I. Costa, Faria // Materia. - 2003. - Vol. 8, № 1. - P. 27-34.

20. Cronyn J.M. The Elements of Archaeological Conservation / J.M. Cronyn - London: Routledge, 1990. - 326 p.

21. Rodgers B.A. The archaeologist’s manual for conservation. A guide to non-toxic, minimal intervention artifact stabilization / B.A. Rodgers. - Kluwer Academic: Plenum Publishers, 2004. - 214 p.

22. Moncrieff A. The science for conservators. Vol. 1: An Intro-duction to Materials/ A.Moncrieff, G.Weaver. - 1st ed. ed. H. Wilks. - Routledge, 1992. - 120 p.

23. Moncrieff A.The science for conservators. Vol. 2: Cleaning. / A. Moncrieff, G. Weaver. - 2nd ed. ed. H. Wilks. - Routledge, 1992. - 140 p.

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25. Horie C.V. Materials for conservation: organic consolidants, adhesives and coatings /C.V. Horie. - 2nd ed. - Butterworth-Heinemann, 2010. - 504 p.

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27. Fedoseeva T.S. Materialy dlya restavracii zhivopisi i predmetov prikladnogo iskusstva / T.S. Fedoseeva. - M.: RIO GosNIIR, 1999. - 120 s.

28. Dillmann P. Corrosion of metallic heritage artifacts. Investi-gation, conservation and prediction for long-term behavior / P. Dillmann, G. Beranger, P. Piccardo, H. Matthiesen. - Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2007. - 416 p.

29. Wang Z.Localized corrosion and phase transformation of si-mulated archaeological iron / Z. Wang, C. Xu, X. Dong // Chinese Jour-nal of Chemical Engineering. - 2008. - Vol. 16, № 2. - P. 299-305.

30. Feller R.L. Evaluation of cellulose ethers for conservation / R.L. Feller. - Marina del Rey, California: The Getty Conservation In-stitute, 1993.- 162 p.

31. Selwitz C. Epoxy resins in stone conservation / C. Selwitz. - The Getty Conservation Institute, 1992. - 112 p.

32. Hou B. Study on corrosion simulation device for marine structural steel / B. Hou, B. Xiang// Bulletin of Material Science. - 2003. Vol. 26, № 3. - P. 307-310.

33. Feller R.L. Accelerated aging. Photochemical and thermal aspects / R.L. Feller. - The Getty Conservation Institute, 1994. - 280 p.

34. Lubelli B., van Hees R.P.J., Caspar J.W.P. The effect of environmental conditions on sodium chloride damage / B. Lubelli, R.P.J. van Hees, J.W.P Caspar // Studies on conservation. - 2006. - Vol. 51, № 1. - P. 41-56.

35. Watkinson D., Tanner M., Turner R., Lewis M. ss Great Britain: Teamwork as a platform for innovative conservation / D. Watkinson, M. Tanner, R. Turner, M. Lewis // The Conservator. - 2005. - Vol. 29, № 1. - P. 73-86.

36. Watkinson D. ss Great Britain iron hull: modelling corrosion to define storage relative humidity / D. Watkinson, M. Lewis // Metal. - 2004. - Vol. 44, № October. - P. 88-102.

37. Rimmer M.The impact of chloride desalination on the corro-sion rate of archaeological iron / M. Rimmer, D. Watkinson, Q. Wang // Studies in Conservation. - 2013. - Vol. 58, № 4. - P. 326-337.

38. González N.G. Hunting free and bound chloride in the wrought iron rivets from the American Civil War submarine H.L. Hunley / N.G. González, P. de Viviès, M.J. Drews, P. Mardikian // Journal of American Institute of Conservation. - 2004. - Vol. 43, № 2. - P. 161-174.

39. Drews M.J. The application of subcritical fluids for the stabi-lization of marine archaeological iron / M.J. Drews, N.G. González-Pereyra, P. Mardikian, P. de Viviés // Studies in Conservation. - 2013. - Vol. 58, № 4. - P. 314-325.

40. de Viviés P. Transformation of akaganeite in archaeological iron artefacts using subcritical treatment / P. de Viviés, D. Cook, M.J. Drews, N.G. González, P. Mardikian, J.-B. Memet// Metal 2007: Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, September 17-21, 2007. - Amsterdam. 2007. - P. 26-30.

41. Balasubramaniam R. On the astronomical significance of the Delhi iron pillar / R. Balasubramaniam, M.I. Dass // Current Science. - 2004. - Vol. 86, № 8. - P. 1134-1142.

42. Balasubramaniam R. Characterisation of ancient indian iron / R. Balasubramaniam, A.V.R. Kumar, P. Dillmann // Science in Archaeology and Archaeomaterials. - 2005. - Vol. 85, № 11. - P. 275-314.

43. Jegdić B.V. Corrosion of an archaeological find from the ro-man period in Serbia / B.V. Jegdić, S.R. Polić Radovanović, S.S. Ristić, A.B. Alil, V. Rajaković-Ognjanović // Zaštita Mater. - 2012. - Vol. 53. - P. 247-252.

44. de Figueiredo J.S.D. Characterization of corrosion products on metals excavated from seal hunters’ occupation in Antarctica in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / J.S.D. de Figueiredo, O.J.A. dos Santos, G.S.M. de Souza, Y.-A. Froner, L.A.C. Souza, A. Zarankin // Studies on Conservation. - 2015. - Vol. 60, № 3. - P. 211-216.

45. Degrigny C. Characterisation of corrosion product layers on atmospherically corroded historic ferrous objects: application to the ar-mour of the Palace Armoury, Valletta, Malta / C. Degrigny, D. Vella, S. Golfomitsou, J. Crawford // International conference on conservation strategies for for Saving Indoor Metallic Collections with a special sec-tion on legal issues in the Conservation of Cultural heritage (26-28 Feb-ruary 2007). - Cairo, 2007. - P. 31-39.

46. Fell V. Cremated: Analysis of the metalwork from an Iron Age grave / V. Fell // Metal. - 2004. - 4-8 October. - P. 514-519.

47. Fell V.Monitoring of archaeological and experimental iron at Fiskerton, England / V. Fell, J. Williams // Met. 04 Proc. Int. Conf. Met. Conserv. actes la conférence Int. sur la Conserv. des métaux, Canberra. - Aust. 4-8 Oct. 2004. - P. 17-27.

48. Jegdić B. Corrosion stability of corrosion products on an arc-haeological iron artifact / B. Jegdić, S. Polić-Radovanović, S. Ristić, A. Alil // International Journal of Conservation Science. - 2012. - Vol. 3, № 4. - P. 241-248.

49. Matthiesen H. Corrosion of archaeological iron artefacts compared to modern iron at the waterlogged site Nydam, Denmark / H. Matthiesen, L.R. Hilbert, D. Gregory, B. Sørensen // Euro-corr2004. - 2004. - P. 1-12.

50. Rehren T. 5,000 years old Egyptian iron beads made from hammered meteoritic iron / T. Rehren, T. Belgya, A. Jambon, G. Káli, Z. Kasztovszky, Z. Kis, I. Kovács, B. Maróti, M. Martinón-Torres, G. Miniaci, V.C. Pigott, M. Radivojević, L. Rosta, L. Szentmiklósi, Z. Szokefalvi-Nagy // Journal of Archaeological Science. - 2013. - Vol. 40, № 12. - P. 4785-4792.

51. Saheb M. Characterisation of corrosion layers formed on ferrous archaeological artefacts buried in anoxic media/ M. Saheb M., D. Neff, J. Demory., E. Foy E. P. Dillmann // Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology. - 2010. - Vol. 45, № 5. - P. 381-387.

52. Caple C. Identification and valuation of archaeological arte-facts: developments using digital X-radiography / C. Caple, V. Garlick, C. Caple, V.Garlick // Journal of the Institute of Conservation. - 2018. - Vol. 41, № 2. - P. 128-141.

53. Gil M.L.A. Use of X-ray and other techniques to analyse the phase transformation induced in archaeological cast iron after its stabilisation by the electrolytic method / M. L. A. Gil, A. Santos, M. Bethencourt, T. García, S. Fernández-Bastero, A. Velo, L. Gago-Duport // Analytica Chimica Acta. - 2003. - Vol. 494, № 1-2. - P. 245-254.

54. Wagner U. The stabilization of archaeological iron objects: Mössbauer and XRD studies / U. Wagner, T. Demoulin, R. Gebhard, W. Häusler, C. Mazzola, I. Meissner, F.E. Wagner // Hyperfine Interac-tions. - 2012. - Vol. 208, № 1-3. - P. 111-116.

55. Kiefer W. Deterioration of iron archaeological artefacts: mi-cro-Raman investigation on Cl-containing corrosion products Solenn / W. Kiefer, A.P. Mazzolini, P.R. Stoddart //Journal of Raman Spectros-copy. - 2007. - Vol. 38. - P. 389-397.

56. Neff D. Structural characterization of corrosion products on archaeological iron: an integrated analytical approach to establish corro-sion forms / D. Neff, S. Reguer, L. Bellot-Gurlet, P. Dillmann, R. Ber-tholon // Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. - 2004. - Vol. 35. - P. 739-745.

57. Coelho J.C. The efficiency of electrochemical methods for the removal of chloride ions from iron marine archaeological objects: A comparative study / J.C. Coelho, C.M. Oliveira, M.D. Carvalho, I.T.E. Fonseca // Materials and Corrosion. - 2014. - Vol. 65, № 1. - P. 38-44.

58. Wagner F.E., Gebhard R., Häusler W., Wagner U., Albert P., Hess H., Révay Z., Kudejová P., Kleszcz, K. Study of archaeological iron objects by PGAA, Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction // Hyperfine Interactions. - 2016. - Vol. 237, № 1.

59. Chadwick A.V. The application of X-ray absorption spec-troscopy in archaeological conservation: Example of an artefact from Henry VIII warship, the Mary Rose / A.V. Chadwick, A. Berko, E.J. Schofield, A.D. Smith, J.F.W. Mosselmans, A.M. Jones, G. Cibin // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. - 2016. - Vol. 451. - P. 49-55.

60. Reguer S. Investigation of Cl corrosion products of iron arc-haeological artefacts using micro-focused synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy / S. Reguer, P. Dillmann, F. Mirambet, J. Susini, P. La-garde // Applied Physics A. - 2006. - Vol. 83, № 2. - P. 189-193.

61. Fedrigo A. Extraction of archaeological information from metallic artefacts - A neutron diffraction study on Viking swords / A. Fedrigo, F. Grazzi, A.R. Williams, T. Panzner, K. Lefmann, P.E. Lindelof, L. Jørgensen, P. Pentz, A. Scherillo, F. Porcher, M. Strobl // Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.- 2017. - Vol. 12. - P. 425-436.

62. Watkinson D. The use of neutron analysis techniques for detecting the concentration and distribution of chloride ions in archaeological iron / D. Watkinson, M. Rimmer, Z. Kasztovszky, Z. Kis, B. Maróti, L. Szentmiklósi // Archaeometry. - 2014. - Vol. 56, № 5. - P. 841-859.

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