The article presents an analysis of the activities of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of St. Petersburg for the production of examinations in cases of adverse outcomes of medical care. It has been established that over the past 5 years, against the background of the continued growth in the total number of commission examinations, the number of examinations of adverse outcomes of medical care has decreased (mainly due to examinations in criminal cases). Defects in the provision of medical care were determined in 2 out of 3 cases, and more often by examinations in civil cases. A direct causal relationship between defects in the provision of medical care and an unfavorable outcome for human health and life was established in 5% of cases. Attention is drawn to the significant differences in the established qualitative and quantitative indicators in comparison with other regions and departments of the country, which requires the unification of the methodology for the production of such examinations.
medical cases, defect of medical care, causal relationship, forensic medical examination, uniform medical care
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