UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.15 Конституционное (государственное) право
OKSO 40.03.01 Юриспруденция
BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
TBK 7531 Конституционное право
BISAC LAW018000 Constitutional
BISAC POL062000 Geopolitics
The Azerbaijani-Russian Forum, the foundation of which was laid in 2010, played a great role in strengthening bilateral relations between the two states. Within a short period of time, within the framework of this forum, the main directions of political and legal, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian regional cooperation were discussed. The first Russian-Azerbaijani forum on humanitarian cooperation was held on January 22-23, 2010 at the International Mugham Center in Baku.
humanitarian forum, multiculturalism, cooperation, bilateral relations, interregional ties
1. V Azerbaydzhano-rossiyskiy mezhregional'nyy forum. 24.06.2014. URL: www.Azerros.ru.
2. V Azerbaydzhane proshel shestoy Bakinskiy mezhdunarodnyy gumanitarnyy forum. 25.10.2018. Sankt-Peterburgskaya Torgovo-Promyshlennaya Palata. URL: https://spbtpp.ru/vi-baku-internationalhumanitarian-forum.
3. Gasanov A. Azerbaydzhano-rossiyskie otnosheniya nahodyatsya na pod'eme.
4. Rech' Il'hama Alieva na ceremonii oficial'nogo otkrytiya IV mezhdunarodnogo gumanitarnogo foruma. URL: www.bakuform.orq.
5. Shain Mustafaev obsudil voprosy sotrudnichestva s rossiyskim ministrom regional'nogo razvitiya. 23.06.2014. Baku. URL: www.1news.az.
6. Chernyavskiy S.I. Novyy put' Azerbaydzhana. M., 2002.
7. Uspeshno zavershilsya Pyatyy Mezhdunarodnyy Gumanitarnyy Forum. 30.09.2016. URL: https://azertag.az/ru/xeber/997349.