UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.15 Конституционное (государственное) право
OKSO 40.03.01 Юриспруденция
BBK 67 Право. Юридические науки
TBK 7531 Конституционное право
BISAC LAW018000 Constitutional
The Armenian emigrated to the Caucasus in XIX century always made unreasonable territorial claims and provoked conflicts in the region. Investigations based on the facts and arguments make it possible to determine specific features of some problems and processes and understand the essence. Unreasonable territory claims by Armenia caused the loss of 20% of Azerbaijan territory and the war with Azerbaijan in 90`s of last century. Azerbaijan army freed its territory occupated by Armenia despite of Armenian`s new territory claims and millitary retreats.
Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh war, United Nations resolutions, Geneva Conventions
1. Armeniya: vnutrennie social'no-ekonomicheskie i politicheskie usloviya / G. Gadzhiev, E. Kalbizade, A. Eyvazov i dr. Baku: MTM Innovation, 2019. 352 s.
2. Gadzhiev I. Territorial'nye prityazaniya i krovavye prestupleniya armyan protiv Azerbaydzhanskoy Respubliki. Nahchyvan: Adzhami, 2012. 192 s.
3. Gadzhiev E. Ob antiazerbaydzhanskoy deyatel'nosti mezhdunarodnyh organizaciy armyanskoy diaspory vo vremya agressii Armenii protiv Azerbaydzhana. Materialy konferencii BGU. Baku, 2018. S. 124-132.
4. URL: https://az.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMT_T.
5. URL: https://az.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.