Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the era of digital technologies, the field of intellectual property has undergone significant changes. The development of the Internet, digital technologies and online platforms has revolutionized the way we create, distribute and consume the results of intellectual activity and at the same time has set unprecedented challenges in the field of protecting and ensuring respect for the rights and legitimate interests of copyright holders. This article examines the impact of the digital environment on intellectual property, examines both new opportunities and pitfalls.

intellectual property, Internet, neural network, digital space, encryption, authentication.

1. Dikov A. V. Evolyuciya Interneta ot nachala do nashih dney i dalee // Shkol'nye tehnologii. 2019. № 2. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/evolyutsiya-interneta-ot-nachala-do-nashih-dney-i-dalee

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