Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The role of traditional spiritual and moral values in the reform of the modern state, the place of human dignity and rights in the system of such values is considered. The thesis is argued that in Russia, a person, his faith, shrines, the Fatherland, his dignity, rights and freedoms should be recognized as the highest values. It is concluded that the concept of traditional values of the multinational people of Russia, approved in 2022 by the President of the Russian Federation, is important for its consistency, which makes it possible to identify the interdependence and interdependence of its individual elements. In the formation of a multipolar world, it is necessary to constitutionally strengthen the spiritual and moral foundation of the state in Russia itself, combining human dignity and rights with faith, shrines and love for the Fatherland into a single spiritual complex, laying the foundations for the transition to a moral state and a civilized society that also presupposes a moral economy.

dignity, human rights, spiritual and moral values, constitution, traditions, law, moral state.

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