Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the issues of increasing the risk of sports trauma and its rehabilitation, which is determined by the factor of active participation in training and competitive activities of children and adolescents. The authors of the research emphasize the increased traumatic danger of contact, power, game and extreme sports, at the same time, the tendency of increase of injuries and damages of the musculoskeletal system at a young age, previously characteristic for mature athletes, is noted. At the same time, the analysis of scientific literature sources has determined the importance of medical rehabilitation, the importance of using physical rehabilitation means, their combinations and combinations in the recovery period. The relevance of the present research is determined by the need to find a set of physical rehabilitation means in combination with the medical component, which will provide potentiation of the rehabilitation effect through the polyeffector principle. The aim of the work is to determine the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation complexes for school-age children with sports injuries of the shoulder girdle and free upper extremity at the postimmobilization stage of rehabilitation treatment. The analysis of the obtained data characterizes the effectiveness of application of physical rehabilitation complexes in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures, and a more pronounced effect of application of physical rehabilitation complexes in children of the main group, relative to the control group, was noted. The method of deep reflex-muscular massage, in combination with therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy procedures, causes the activation of the mobilization of the body's natural forces, which was reflected in the potentiation of the effectiveness of the application of the physical rehabilitation complex developed for children of the main group with sports injury at the postimmobilization stage of the recovery period.

sports injury, children, medical and physiotherapeutic means of recovery, physical rehabilitation, postimmobilization period

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