Russian Federation
UDK 340.6 Судебная медицина. Судебная психология. Судебная химия. Судебно-медицинская экспертиза
The unsatisfactory quality of treatment and medical errors made during treatment account for about 30% of the main causes of conflicts in dental practice. Moreover, the main group of dental patients consists of patients with dental caries or complications of caries (pulpitis, periodontitis). According to WHO, more than 98% of the adult population over the age of 18 suffer from caries of various tooth structures. The main method of caries treatment is excision of demineralized hard tissues and restoration of teeth by direct and indirect methods. The article analyzes one of the main factors of long–term operation of direct and indirect photopolymer restorations - edge fit. The assessment of the quality of the marginal fit of restorations to the hard tissues of the tooth is one of the main factors in the prevention of complications of caries caused by pathogenic microflora, its penetration into underlying tissues and the development of irreversible changes that can cause long-term disorder of the patient's health.
dental practice, dental restorations, marginal fit of restorations, biological factor
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