LDR 08331nam#a2200829#i#450# 001 2727 005 20250224220922.1 008 _ 20191220d2019####ek#y0engy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-5-369-01886-6 044 ## _$axxu 072 #7 _$aGeneral. TRA000000 080 ## _$aУправление предприятиями. Организация производства, торговли и транспорта. 65 084 ## _$aТранспорт. 39 _2bbk 084 ## _$aЭкономика. Экономические науки. 65 _2bbk 084 ## _$aТРАНСПОРТНЫЕ СРЕДСТВА. 190000 _2okso 084 ## _$aОбщие вопросы транспорта. 73.01 _2grnti 084 ## _$aВзаимодействие разных видов транспорта. Смешанные перевозки. 73.47 _2grnti 100 #1 _$aTimchenko, Tat'yana Nikolaevna _$aFederal State Educational Institution of higher vocational training “Admiral Ushakov Maritime University” 100 #1 _$aFilatova, Evgenia Valentinovna _$aFederal State Educational Institution of higher vocational training “Admiral Ushakov Maritime University” 245 00 _$aCustoms clearance of container shipping _$cTextbook 260 1# _$aMoscow _$bPublishing Center RIOR _$c2019 300 ## _$a134 p. 500 ## _$aThe study guide in an accessible form addresses the main issues regarding the specifics organization of container shipping; the basic concepts of freight forwarding services are presented with an indication of the regulatory framework governing this type of activity; features of the procedure customs clearance and customs control of the arrival / departure of container ships in sea Russian ports, as well as cargo transported by these courts. The book will quickly get basic knowledge of the subject, as well as qualitatively prepare for the final certification. Recommended for students studying in specialty "Customs", as well as other economic specialties and directions. _$aContainer shipping, freight forwarding services, clearance of goods in containers, customs control of container ships _$a10.29039/01886-6 510 0# _$aBol'shoy ekonomicheskiy slovar' [Tekst] / A.N. Azriliyan. M.: Institut novoy ekonomiki, 1997. 510 0# _$aBol'shoy yuridicheskiy slovar' [Tekst] / A.Ya. Suharev, V.E. Krutskih, A.Ya. Suhareva. M.: INFRA-M, 2003. 510 0# _$aVikipediya [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: https://ru.wikipedia.org. 510 0# _$aGOST 51006-96. Uslugi transportnye. Terminy i opredeleniya. 510 0# _$aGOST R 51133-98. Ekspeditorskie uslugi na zheleznodorozhnom transporte. Obschie trebovaniya. 510 0# _$aGOST R 52297-2004. Uslugi transportno-ekspeditorskie. Terminy i opredeleniya. 510 0# _$aKival N.G., Kival A.P. 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URL: http://www.nykline.com. 510 0# _$aPacific International Lines [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: https://www.pilship.com. 510 0# _$aSarjak Container Lines [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: www.sarjak.com. 510 0# _$aSeaRates.com — set' transportnyh agentov [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: http://www.searates. com/ru. 510 0# _$aTarros Group [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: http://www.tarros.it. 510 0# _$aYang Ming Marine Transport Corporation [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: http://www.yangming.com. 510 0# _$aZIM Integrated Shipping Ltd [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: www.zim.com. 533 ## _$aThere is an electronic copy 856 4# _$ariorpub.com _$u