LDR 09734nam#a2200733#i#450# 001 1804 005 20250224221315.1 008 _ 20180503d2018####ek#y0engy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-5-369-01749-4 041 0# _$aRUS 044 ## _$axxu 080 ## _$aЭкономика. Экономические науки. 33 084 ## _$aЭкономика предприятия (фирмы). 6529 _2bbk 084 ## _$aЭкономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям). 38.02.01 _2okso 084 ## _$aЭкономика. Бухгалтерский учет. Финансы. 77 _2tbk 084 ## _$aФинансовый учет. 7752 _2tbk 084 ## _$aФинансы. Денежное обращение. Кредит. 7781 _2tbk 084 ## _$aУчетно-экономические науки. 06.35 _2grnti 084 ## _$aЭкономическое развитие и рост. Прогнозир-ние и планирование экономики. Экономич. циклы и кризисы. 06.52 _2grnti 100 #1 _$aBogatyrev, Semen Yur'evich _$aФинансовый университет при правительстве РФ 245 00 _$aCorporate Finance: valuation _$cTextbook 260 1# _$aMoscow _$bPublishing Center RIOR _$c2018 300 ## _$a164 p. 500 ## _$aThis tutorial is devoted to the practical application of the theory learned by the student, the textbooks in corporate Finance. Elaborate and carefully understand the main topics associated with the valuation from the examination of the accounts before rating to approaches to assessment. Describes only the new and relevant in modern appraisal practice, technique calculations, ways of solving today's problems. Demonstrates the practical implementation of the theory of valuation in the specific calculations carried out with the use of modern and fashionable information and analytical systems, Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters. Computational problem is provided with screen shots with information systems the description of algorithms of obtaining of the information. Used keiso - oriented method of learning, when the student is "immersed" in a real situation with actual industry problems and seeking solution to the problems together with the author of the textbook. Reveal mistakes and incorrect methods accompanying the practical application of the evaluation algorithms that are well-established in practice. Picked up company, illustrating examples of application of the theory of valuation, to be of real interest to the market leaders. Algorithms for calculation of complex theoretical issues shown in the demo with a simple and ready numeric data. In the assignments the student for independent work is proposed to consolidate, already getting the actual numbers from the information systems or from open sources: websites of stock exchanges, brokerage companies, inserting them in the proposed Pro forma calculations. Of great interest this tutorial will call and appraisers specializing in the valuation of businesses in connection with what is now new appraisers pass a professional qualification exam. Previous methodological base is already outdated. New realities, new tools, new ways to customize evaluation tools are widely included in the practice, but, unfortunately, have not found wide descriptions in the academic literature. This Handbook solves this problem and will help evaluators to improve their skills to take new professional heights. _$acorporate Finance, valuation, valuation of a business, the sales comparison approach, income approach, discounted cash flow, multiplier, evaluation method of residual yield, discount rate _$a10.12737/1749-4 510 0# _$aKorporativnye finansy: uchebnik / pod red. M.A. Eskindarova, M.A. Fedotovoy i dr. — Moskva: KnoRus, 2016. — 480 s. 510 0# _$aKorporativnye finansy: uchebnik / pod red. E.I. Shohina i dr. — Moskva: KnoRus, 2016. — 318 s. 510 0# _$aPraktikum po discipline «Korporativnye finansy»: sbornik testov / O.N. Lihacheva, L.G. Pashtova, M.S. Shal'neva; pod red. L.G. Pashtovoy. — Moskva: RUSAYNS, 2017. — 132 s. 510 0# _$aBorisova O.V. Korporativnye finansy. Praktikum : uchebnoe posobie. — Moskva : KnoRus, 2016. — 225 s. 510 0# _$aPashtova L.G. Korporativnye finansy i upravlenie biznesom: monografiya. — Moskva: Rusayns, 2015. — 378 s. 510 0# _$aTeplova T.V. Korporativnye finansy v 2 ch. Chast' 1: uchebnik i praktikum dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata. — M.: Yurayt, 2016. — 390 s. 510 0# _$aIvashkovskaya I.V. Korporativnye finansy: uchebnoe posobie. — M.: GU VShE, 2007. — 334 s. 510 0# _$aBogatyrev S.Yu. Informacionnye sistemy v korporativnyh finansah [Elektronnyy resurs]: uchebnoe posobie. — M.: RIOR: INFRA-M, 2017. 510 0# _$aBogatyrev S.Yu. Mezhdunarodnaya praktika ocenochnoy deyatel'nosti: ucheb. posobie. — M.: RIOR : INFRA-M, 2017. — 96 s. + Dop. materialy [Elektronnyy resurs. URL: http://www.znanium.com]. 510 0# _$aMezhdunarodnye standarty ocenki // Oficial'nyy sayt Mezhdu-narodnogo komiteta po standartam ocenki. — URL: https://www.ivsc.org/ (data obrascheniya: 18.07.2017). 510 0# _$aStandarty ocenki RICS // Oficial'nyy sayt Korolevskogo in-stituta sertificirovannyh ocenschikov. — URL: http://www.rics.org/ru/ (data obrascheniya: 08.07.2017). 510 0# _$aMezhdunarodnye standarty finansovoy otchetnosti // Oficial'nyy sayt Mezhdunarodnogo soveta po standartam finansovoy otchetnosti (MSFO). — URL: www.ifrs.org (data obrascheniya: 08.07.2017). 510 0# _$aStandarty finansovoy otchetnosti US GAAP // Oficial'nyy sayt Soveta po standartam finansovogo ucheta. — URL: http://www.fasb.org (data obrascheniya: 08.07.2017). 510 0# _$aEvropeyskie standarty ocenki // Oficial'nyy sayt Evropeyskoy gruppy ocenochnyh associaciy. — URL: http://www.tegova.org/ (data obrascheniya: 08.01.2017). 510 0# _$aDamodaran A. Investicionnaya ocenka: Instrumenty i metody ocenki lyubyh aktivov: per. s angl. — 8-e izd. — M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2014. — 1316 s. 510 0# _$aOsnovy ocenki stoimosti imuschestva [Elektronnyy resurs]: ucheb. dlya studentov, obuch. po spec. «Finansy i kredit» / M.A. Fedotova, D.N. Yakubova, A.A. Bakulina i dr. ; pod red. M.A. Fedotovoy, T.V. Tazihinoy; FGOU VPO «Finansovaya akademiya pri Pravitel'stve RF». — M.: Knorus, 2011. — URL: http://www.book.ru/book/ 900583/view/1 510 0# _$aOcenka stoimosti biznesa: ucheb. dlya studentov vuzov, obuch. po napr. «Ekonomika» (kvalif. «bakalavr» i «magistr») / pod red. M.A. Eskindarova, M.A. Fedotovoy; Finuniversitet.— M.: Knorus, 2015. 510 0# _$aKouplend T. Stoimost' kompaniy: ocenka i upravlenie: per. s angl. / T. Kouplend, T. Koller, Dzh. Murrin. — 3-e izd. pererab. i dop. — M.: Olimp-Biznes, 2008. 510 0# _$aMerser Z.K. Integrirovannaya teoriya ocenki biznesa: per. s angl. / Z.K. Merser, T.U. Harms; pod red. V.M. Rutgayzera.— 2-e izd. — M.: Maroseyka, 2008. 510 0# _$aSharp U.F. Investicii [Elektronnyy resurs] / U.F. Sharp, G.D. Aleksander, Dzh.V. Beyli; per. s angl. A.N. Burenina, A.A. Vasina. — M.: INFRA-M, 2014. — URL: http://znanium.com/go.php? id=445581. 510 0# _$aVestnik ocenschika. — URL: http://www.appraiser.ru/ 510 0# _$aSpravochnaya pravovaya sistema «Konsul'tantPlyus». — URL: www.consultant.ru. 510 0# _$aInformacionnaya sistema Bloomberg. — URL: https://www.bloomberg.com. 510 0# _$aInformacionnaya sistema Thomson Reuters. — URL: http://thomsonreuters.ru. 510 0# _$aUchebnyy sayt professora Asvata Damodarana. — URL: http://damodaran.com. 510 0# _$aHitchner Dzh.R. Tri podhoda k ocenke biznesa / pod nauchn. red. V.M. Rutgayzera. — M.: Maroseyka, 2008. — 304 s. 510 0# _$aHitchner Dzh.R. Stoimost' kapitala / pod nauchn. red. V.M. Rutgayzera. — M.: Maroseyka, 2008. — 176 s. 510 0# _$aZhurnal «MSFO na praktike» [Elektronnyy resurs]. — URL: http://msfo-practice.ru (data obrascheniya: 08.07.2017). 510 0# _$aMezhdunarodnye standarty ocenki 2011: per. s angl. / pod red. G.I. Mikerina, I.L. Artemenkova. — M.: Samoreguliruemaya obscherossiyskaya obschestvennaya organizaciya «Rossiyskoe obschestvo ocenschikov», 2013. — 188 s. 510 0# _$aPratt Sh.P. Stoimost' kapitala. Raschet i primenenie / per. s angl. Byuro perevodov Royd. — 2-e izd. — M.: KVINTO-KONSALTING, 2006. — 455 s. 510 0# _$aDuff & Phelps. — URL: http://www.duffandphelps.com. 510 0# _$aBogatyrev S.Yu., Gusel'nikova E.N. Kvalimetriya kreditovaniya roznichnogo biznesa // Bankovskoe delo. — 2012. — № 6. 510 0# _$aUchet faktorov nalogooblozheniya pri provedenii stoimostnoy ocenki. Rossiyskoe obschestvo ocenschikov // Voprosy ocenki. — 2014. — № 2. 510 0# _$aBogatyrev S.Yu., Kolosov P.V., Zhurkina T.O. Podhod v ocenochnoy praktike v usloviyah krizisa // Sliyaniya i pogloscheniya. — 2012. — № 3. — C. 40–44. 510 0# _$aBogatyrev S.Yu., Dobrynin S.S. Ocenka stoimosti Gazprombanka v usloviyah mezhdunarodnyh ekonomicheskih sankciy // Bankovskoe delo. — 2014. — Oktyabr'. 510 0# _$aBogatyrev S.Yu. Behavioral Asset Pricing Models on Russian Financial Market // California Business Review. — 2013. — Vol. 2. 510 0# _$aJim Hitchner’s Valuation Products and Services [Sayt znamenitogo amerikanskogo ocenschika Dzhima Hitchnera]. — URL: http://www.valuationproducts.com 510 0# _$aBreyli R., Mayers S. Principy korporativnyh finansov / per. s angl. N. Baryshnikovoy. — M.: Olimp-Biznes, 2008. — 1008 s. 533 ## _$aThere is an electronic copy 856 4# _$ariorpub.com _$u