LDR 15823nam#a2201321#i#450# 001 612 005 20250131041208.5 008 _ 20160317d2016####ek#y0engy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-5-369-01550-6 041 0# _$aRUS 044 ## _$axxu 080 ## _$aРазличные отрасли промышленности и ремесла. 67 _$aРазличные отрасли промышленности и ремесла. 68 084 ## _$aВычислительная техника. 3297 _2bbk 084 ## _$aТехнология и оборудование для производства средств автоматики и вычислительной техники. 50.13 _2grnti 100 #1 _$aKramarov, Sergey Olegovich _$aBU VO "Surgut State University" 100 #1 _$aKovalev, Sergey Mihaylovich _$aJSC “NIIAS” 100 #1 _$aSokolov, Sergey Viktorovich _$aRostov State University of Economics 245 00 _$aFuzzy-logic optical processors _$cMonography 260 1# _$aMoscow _$bPublishing Center RIOR _$c2016 300 ## _$a202 p. 500 ## _$aThere is the current state of a question of creation of the indistinct and logical optical devices serving for development of high performance expert systems which will provide inquiries of experts from the most various areas is considered in the monograph. Use of the device of indistinct systems is caused by a tendency of increase in complexity of mathematical and formal models of actual systems and management processes which are bound to desire to increase their adequacy and to consider the increasing number of various factors affecting on decision-making processes. The main directions of researches which are given in the monograph are directed to development of basic elements of the optical computer. Authors of this work patented over 50 various indistinct and logical optical devices and ways of information processing with their use, many of which explicitly are considered in this monograph. Writing of the book was initiated by the tasks formulated within the SMART project (Satellite Monitoring – to the Fissile Development of Territories) where a number of the keyset problems, including adaptability of adoption of administrative decisions is considered. The book is intended for scientists, experts, graduate students and undergraduates specializing in the field of photonics, development indistinctly – logical methods and devices, and also for students of older years of physical and mathematical faculties and engineering higher education institutions on the corresponding specialties. _$aIndistinct and logical optical processors, indistinct and logical systems and devices, elements of optical indistinct and logical processors, optical fazzifikators, AND gates and disjuntors, optical indistinct and logical functional converters, optoelectronic defazzifikators, the modern ways of processing of digital information _$a10.12737/18298 510 0# _$aAverkin, A.N. i dr. Nechetkie mnozhestva v modelyah upravleniya i iskusstvennogo intellekta. - M.: Nauka, 1986. 510 0# _$aAkaev A.A., Mayorov S.A. Opticheskie metody obrabotki informacii.— M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1988. 510 0# _$aA.s. №1223259. SSSR, 1986. 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Optoelektronnyy defazzifikator / Kureychik V.M., Kureychik V.V., M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev. 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2409831, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy defazzifikator / Kureychik V.M., Kureychik V.V., M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev. 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2416119, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy fazzifikator / Kureychik V.M., Kureychik V.V., M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev. 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 419 127, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy diz'yunktor nepreryvnyh mnozhestv / Kureychik V.M., Kureychik V.V., M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 419 128, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy kon'yunktor nepreryvnyh mnozhestv / Kureychik V.M., Kureychik V.V., M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 422 876, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy diz'yunktor nepreryvnyh mnozhestv / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 429 519, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy vychislitel' simmetricheskoy raznosti nepreryvnyh mnozhestv / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 432 597, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy vychislitel' funkcii po modulyu chisla / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 432 598, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy granichnyy diz'yunktor nechetkih mnozhestv / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 432 599, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy fazzifikator / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 432 600, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy diz'yunktor nepreryvnyh (nechetkih) mnozhestv / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 432 602, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy granichnyy kon'yunktor nechetkih mnozhestv / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 432 670, Rossiya, 2011. Opticheskiy generator impul'snyh posledovatel'nostey / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 433 446, Rossiya, 2011. 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Opticheskiy vychislitel' nechetkogo vklyucheniya nechetkih mnozhestv / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 442 204, Rossiya, 2012. Opticheskiy kommutator / S.V. Sokolov i dr. 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 444 036, Rossiya, 2012. Opticheskiy kommutator / S.V. Sokolov i dr. 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 444 047, Rossiya, 2012. Opticheskiy defazzifikator / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 445 672, Rossiya, 2012. Optoelektronnyy nechetkiy processor / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 446 431, Rossiya, 2012. Opticheskiy fazzifikator / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 446 432, Rossiya, 2012. Optoelektronnyy defazzifikator / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 446 433, Rossiya, 2012. Optoelektronnyy nechetkiy processor / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 446 434, Rossiya, 2012. Opticheskiy fazzifikator / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 446 435, Rossiya, 2012. Optoelektronnyy defazzifikator / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 446 436, Rossiya, 2012. Optoelektronnyy nechetkiy processor / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 451 976, Rossiya, 2012. Opticheskiy D-diz'yunktor nechetkih mnozhestv / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 458 377, Rossiya, 2012. Opticheskiy JK-trigger / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 461 031, Rossiya, 2012. Opticheskiy T-trigger / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov 510 0# _$aPatent № RU 2 463 640, Rossiya, 2012. Opticheskiy vychislitel' dopolneniya nechetkogo mnozhestva / M.A. Alles, S.V. Sokolov, S.M. Kovalev 510 0# _$aPegat A. Nechetkoe modelirovanie i upravlenie. – M.: BINOM, 2009. - 798 s. 510 0# _$aPrimenenie metodov Fur'e-optiki. / Pod red. Starka G. — M.: Radio i svyaz', 1988. 510 0# _$aSvechnikov S.V. 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